Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Greek Name Challenge

The Student's were given a copy of the Greek alphabet and the CHALLENGE was to see who could write their name the most ACCURATELY. Our alphabet comes from the Greek alphabet so it is quite interesting to see the similarities and differences. See below for the results of the challenge and let us know how close we were!





Julie Robinson

Ms. McQueen

Abby Lu

Cindy Li



  1. Hey there! The drawings were great, and the names nearly there...
    In the Greek alphabet, a=α, b=μπ, c=κ, d=ντ, e=ε, f=φ, g=γκ, h='χ, i=ι, j=τζ, k=κ, l=λ, m=μ, n=ν, p=π, o=ο, q=κι, r=ρ, s=σ, t=τμ u=ου, v=β, w=γ, x=κσ, y=γι, z=ζ, so the names would be:
    Violetta - Βιολέττα
    Nekhil - Νέκχιλ
    Ella - Έλλα
    Maria - Μαρία
    Julie Robinson - Τζούλι Ρόμπινσον
    McQueen - ΜκΚουίν
    Abby Lu - Άμπι Λου
    Cindy Li - Σίν¨ντι Λί

  2. Thanks! By the way, that's seems like a really hard alphabet to learn... haha

  3. Wow my name was actually way off. THe greek alphabet seems pretty interesting.
